I did some research and I know this topic come back from time to time.
I did draw an arrow Up on my chart:
Draw.ArrowUp(this, "ClosestCandleArrow" + arrowTagCounter, false, adjustedBarIndex, value.candleValue, Brushes.Green);
Draw.Text(this, "VolumeRatioText" + arrowTagCounter, false, adjustedBarIndex, value.candleValue - 2 * TickSize, volumeRatio.ToString("P2"), Brushes.Green);
Draw.Text(this, "VolumeRatioText" + arrowTagCounter, Brushes.Green, new Coord(adjustedBarIndex, value.candleValue - 2 * TickSize), volumeRatio.ToString("P2"), TextAlignment.Center, true, 10, "Arial", 8);
Draw.Text(this, "VolumeRatioText" + arrowTagCounter, Brushes.Green, new Coord(adjustedBarIndex, value.candleValue - 2 * TickSize), volumeRatio.ToString("P2"), TextAlignment.Center, true);
Am i missing something like a parameter somewhere?
I get those errors:
1) NinjaScript File Error Code Line Column Gapoffset.cs Argument 3: cannot convert from 'bool' to 'string' CS1503 164 62
2) NinjaScript File Error Code Line Column Gapoffset.cs Argument 6: cannot convert from 'string' to 'bool' CS1503 164 121
3) NinjaScript File Error Code Line Column Gapoffset.cs Argument 7: cannot convert from 'System.Windows.Media.SolidColorBrush' to 'string' CS1503 164 149