I am trying to add data series ES RTH BarsPeriodType.Minute, Period 450 to an ES ETH Tick chart.
The following from the Help Guide does not have the option for Period Type, Period Interval and Session Type.
The following syntax allows you to add another Bars object for a different instrument to the script:
AddDataSeries(string instrumentName, BarsPeriodType periodType, int period)
AddDataSeries(string instrumentName, BarsPeriodType periodType, int period, MarketDataType marketDataType)
AddDataSeries(string instrumentName, BarsPeriod barsPeriod)
AddDataSeries(string instrumentName, BarsPeriod barsPeriod, string tradingHoursName)
AddDataSeries(string instrumentName, BarsPeriod barsPeriod, string tradingHoursName, bool? isResetOnNewTradingDay)
AddDataSeries(string instrumentName, BarsPeriod barsPeriod, int barsToLoad, string tradingHoursName, bool? isResetOnNewTradingDay)
What is the solution? Thanks.