I would like to add 3 custom columns which would show the close price, volume, and price x volume in order to filter out instruments that do not meet certain conditions.
I am currently using the free Yahoo EOD data connection for the ASX market.
Unfortunately, the Last Close column will not populate with Yahoo EOD data, and I remember reading that this is due to absence of a real-time data connection (Even though historical data shows that daily OHLCV data is being pulled from Yahoo). I am aware that it is possible to use SMA(1) indicator to give me the last close price. However, I would like to avoid doing this in order to further familiarize myself with creating custom ninjascript (I have some experience in C programming). Additionally, it seems that there is no way to operate on the output shown in columns (excel-style), without creating a custom indicator.
Therefore, my question is: what would be the best approach to attain the above-mentioned 3 columns for my EOD data?