I'm currently using NT 6.5 with a multi-broker license to connect to an MB Trading demo account. Everything seems OK. But at around 05:00 GMT every day the connection between NT and MB's order server and quote server (demo01) is lost.
Does anyone know if MB do some kind of maintenence on the server at this time?
Also, why doesn't NT reconnect when MB's server is back online?
I have 11 strategies currently running against MB. When the connection is lost, I have the manually disconnect from MB, but then cannot reconnect at NT prompts me to restart NT before continuing. I then have to shutdown NT, restart it, connect to MB, and then re-start all of my strategies.
Any suggestions to why this has to be done everytime?
Best regards, Gary
PS. At the same time, I have another instance of NT running against the Gain demo servers, and never have a problem, it just reconnects automatically!