I seem to be having trouble comprehending a response that was given to me by Amp Futures that to "reverse" a one contract position, I need to have enough margin available to cover 3 contracts. Here is the response:
"You hit reverse so a 2 lot goes to the market, since you had a position already there needed to be enough margin for 3 contracts. Call the trade desk if this needs more explanation."
I do not know if it matters, but I did not hit the reverse button. I was running a strategy that is set to exit a position and open a new position going the opposite direction if certain conditions are met.
I was going long one contract at the time and conditions were met in which an EnterShort() was set in action. As far as I am aware this flattens my current position and opens a new one going short. This is at most 2 contracts, but only for milliseconds, and then we are utilizing only 1 contract again, right?