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Charting request - Merge Policy

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    Charting request - Merge Policy

    I figure this is a good of a place to put the request as any.

    I do think I have come across a few other NT users that may have already asked this before but just in case i want to toss my hat into the ring.

    I am requesting that we have on an individual chart by chart basis, the ability to choose the merge policy we want, as opposed to how it is now which is a global-merge policy.

    While we're asking for Christmas gifts,......hows' that ability to pairs-trade on a chart coming along?

    I always ask once a year.. I might do it again before the year is up just to keep the heat on something that should have been done a while ago now. :-)

    It makes no sense to have it manufactured up by users in an ad-hoc fashion. It needs to be integrated in a way that NT would do best.


    Thank you for contacting us with your feedback.

    I will forward both suggestions on to our development staff for further consideration.
    KyleNinjaTrader Customer Service


      I truly think you have a point here Steve R. furthermore I have been asking repeatedly why one with a lifetime license is not untitled to run a minimum of two (2) instance of NT at the same time with the same license key, broker and data feed.....this makes no sense to me and is very disappointing.


        Hello nicosxm,

        This is for Licensing reasons and most providers will only allow one account connection from 1 PC at a time.

        With that said, I will send your suggestion to our Product Team for consideration.
        JCNinjaTrader Customer Service


          Originally posted by nicosxm View Post
          I truly think you have a point here Steve R. furthermore I have been asking repeatedly why one with a lifetime license is not untitled to run a minimum of two (2) instance of NT at the same time with the same license key, broker and data feed.....this makes no sense to me and is very disappointing.

          Well i do not think the single-instance thing is at all a bad thing. Quite Frankly NT needs to protect themselves as people like you and i would be nice guys and let our friends take a free ride since we've paid for it anyway. Nothing against NT it's just what we would do for our friends.

          As to merge policy i really hope that it can get done but for pairs trading, forget about it.

          I request it knowing it's not going to happen any time soon. We've been wanting this for AT LEAST 6 years that I know of and nothing has been done. I don't know why but we've pretty much been waited out. Frankly no professional level trading system should be without this simple option, yet here we are. I'm doing the same thing as Koganam or what6ever his name is. We use spread indicators but trade manually on our 'other' platform. It works sure, but it's not slick.


            I have to disagree with you on your response to my post, possible people like you would let friends go for a free ride but this isn't what I had in mind, rather the possibility of running a second instance for different indicators and/or trading system setup.....


              Originally posted by nicosxm View Post
              I have to disagree with you on your response to my post, possible people like you would let friends go for a free ride but this isn't what I had in mind, rather the possibility of running a second instance for different indicators and/or trading system setup.....
              Sure, but that's not what NT's concern is here :-) The fact that you could do that, that is the problem with giving us that option.

              Hey i'd like to too for your same reasons, but i see the other side of why they can't do that.


                Originally posted by nicosxm View Post
                I have to disagree with you on your response to my post, possible people like you would let friends go for a free ride but this isn't what I had in mind, rather the possibility of running a second instance for different indicators and/or trading system setup.....
                You can do that right now. Just ask NinjaTrader for the free license number and you can use that on any other system to provide any other information that you want. I think that number is actually a universal number used by all of us, but it is not my place to give it out.


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