From nymex: Trading unit: 5000 troy ounces Price Quotation: US cents per troy ounce Minimum price fluctuation: Price changes for outright transactions, including EFPs, are in multiples of one-half cent (0.5˘ or $0.005) per troy ounce, equivalent to $25.00 per contract. For straddle or spread transactions, as well as the determination of settlement prices, the price changes are registered in multiples of one-tenth of a cent (0.10˘ or $0.001) per troy ounce, equivalent to $5.00 per contract. A fluctuation of one cent (1˘ or $0.01) is equivalent to $50.00 per contract.
tick size: 0.005
Currency: USdollar
Point value: 5
I would have set instead:
tick size: 0.5
Currency: USDollar
point value: 50
If the price is given in cents from my broker (remember: Price Quotation: US cents per troy ounce) why i set a tick of 0.005 and not a tick of 0.5?
Why there is a point value of 5? If you use dollars 1 point=1 dollar= 5000$ per contract right? And if instead you are working with cents (as it should be) 1 point = 1cent = 50$ per contract. So where does 5 come from?

And then i have to set copper:
From nymex: Trading unit: 25,000 pounds Price Quotation: U.S. cents per pound Minimum price fluctuation: Price changes are registered in multiples of five one-hundredths of one cent (0.05˘ or $0.0005) per pound, equivalent to $12.50 per contract. A fluctuation of one cent (1˘ or $0.01) is equivalent to $250 per contract.
tick size: 0.05
Currency: USDollar
Point value: 250
I have a broker with patsystem technology (if needed).
Any help?
