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Empty chart window

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    Empty chart window

    I'm just looking at Ninja for the first time and have connected my Vision (Rithmic) account/data feed, and also the Kinetic end of day. I've created a new chart ES 03-12 (I assume this expires Dec/2013 rather than March/2012!) ~ but I'm seeing a completely empty chart window. I've tried to reload the data without effect. What am I doing wrong? (sorry, this is quite different to the platform I have been using). Thanks.

    Originally posted by cognis0 View Post
    I'm just looking at Ninja for the first time and have connected my Vision (Rithmic) account/data feed, and also the Kinetic end of day. I've created a new chart ES 03-12 (I assume this expires Dec/2013 rather than March/2012!) ~ but I'm seeing a completely empty chart window. I've tried to reload the data without effect. What am I doing wrong? (sorry, this is quite different to the platform I have been using). Thanks.
    Hi cognis0

    To get the Dec 13 ES contract you'll need to use "ES 12-13".
    The ES 03-12 you mentioned would be the March 2012 contract.



      I have the same prpblem. I have the right instrument, but I keep getting empty charts. I have connected even to the simulated data feed and I don't see any bars in my chart. I am selecting ES 12/2013 and template "default 24/7". Last time that I tried, a couple of days ago I was getting bar. Today is not working.


        Originally posted by GlobalTradingTools_Stuart View Post
        Hi cognis0

        To get the Dec 13 ES contract you'll need to use "ES 12-13".
        The ES 03-12 you mentioned would be the March 2012 contract.

        Thanks Global Stuart, but perhaps I'm too dumb to trade as I can't work out this platform! If I try New>Chart I see a list of instruments under Default all with the 03-12 suffix. I can see these in Instrument Manager, but I don't seem to be able to edit or delete these. I can add new here, but it creates a new list. The right panel has two sections, Available Master Instruments where I can find ES, and the Details Section which shows the exchange and the Expiry date 12-13, but the right section has no relationship with the ES 03-12 which is shown/selected in the Default list on the left. Going around in circles here....


          Okay, I'm dumb ~ it's those little arrows under Details on the right panel of Instrument Manager form which adds or removes items from the instrument list. In my defence I would say this is not the best interface I have come across!!


            Chart window still empty

            Okay, so I have created a new instrument ES 12-13 and created a chart ~ but its still completely blank. I've edited the "Data Series" (not sure what that is) to load 10 days data, 5 minute chart and with session template "Default 24/7".

            Can anyone help a dummy to set this up?

            Why this is so much more complex than SierraChart, which is a fantastic platform by the way!


              Hello cognis0,

              Welcome to the NinjaTrader Support Forums!

              Are you still connected to both Vision, and the Kinetick - End of Day (Free) connection? This will be shown in the lower left corner of the Control Center.

              If so can you try to load up a "1 Day" Chart and are you able to see bars on your screen?

              Hello leonel,

              Welcome to the NinjaTrader Support Forums!

              Can you double check to make sure that the Chart is using a "Default 24/7" session template by right clicking inside of the chart, select Data Series, and check on the right panel?

              Happy to be of further assistance.
              JCNinjaTrader Customer Service


                Originally posted by NinjaTrader_JC View Post
                Hello cognis0,

                Welcome to the NinjaTrader Support Forums!

                Are you still connected to both Vision, and the Kinetick - End of Day (Free) connection? This will be shown in the lower left corner of the Control Center.

                If so can you try to load up a "1 Day" Chart and are you able to see bars on your screen?
                HI, thanks JC. Daily chart shows fine, so I assume the Kinetic End of Day is working but that my data feed from Rithmic may not be? It's showing "Connected - Vision Fiancial Markets" ~ is there a way of testing I'm receiving data correctly?

                Last edited by cognis0; 10-27-2013, 07:45 AM.



                  Please select the instrument you are attempting to chart in the Orders tab of the Control Center window. Do you see updates to bid, ask and last price?
                  KyleNinjaTrader Customer Service


                    Originally posted by cognis0 View Post
                    it's those little arrows under Details on the right panel of Instrument Manager form which adds or removes items from the instrument list. In my defence I would say this is not the best interface I have come across!!
                    Hi Cognis0

                    I won't get in the way of JC & Kyle helping you with the charting issue, but just wanted to offer a tip that may help based on your prior post above about getting current contract in your instrument list...

                    You can also rollover the instruments quickly, once their already in your instrument list, in a couple of clicks rather than having to search for the instrument and assign the latest contract to it.

                    To do this:
                    1) Open the Instrument Manager
                    2) From within your default, or custom instrument list, select the instrument you wish to roll to the latest contract
                    3) Press the right facing arrow to remove the instrument from your instrument list
                    4) Next, select the left facing arrow (straight after pressing the right facing arrow to remove) which will re-add the instrument you just removed to your instrument list however it will now be "rolled over" to the current contract.

                    Hopefully this may help speed up the process for you.


                      Originally posted by cognis0 View Post
                      Okay, I'm dumb ~ it's those little arrows under Details on the right panel of Instrument Manager form which adds or removes items from the instrument list. In my defence I would say this is not the best interface I have come across!!
                      If it's of any consolation to you, I had exactly that same problem - I didn't make the mental connection between the arrows and what I wanted to do. It's not intuitive.


                        Originally posted by NinjaTrader_Kyle View Post

                        Please select the instrument you are attempting to chart in the Orders tab of the Control Center window. Do you see updates to bid, ask and last price?
                        Thanks Kyle. Yes, I'm seeing live data coming in from Rithmic now the market is open, and I'm also seeing historical Daily charts. But I not seeing historical data for faster time frames. I've gone to Options>Data and checked the boxes to save chart data as historical. Merge policy is "MergeBackAdjusted" ~ is that ok?

                        How do I fill in the missing historical data? Thanks


                          As long as you're connected to your data provider and you have selected the ES 12-13 contract in the chart, you should be able to right click and select 'reload all historical data' to reload the chart.

                          If that is not working, please send us an email to support[at]ninjatrader[dot]com and include your phone number and a time you can be reached and we'll be happy to walk you through this process.
                          MatthewNinjaTrader Product Management


                            Okay, so here I am 18 months on having another look at NinjaTrader! Normally I use SierraChart with Rithmic data feed, but I now want to look at a 3rd party system which is only available as an add-on for Ninja.

                            So I have the end of day Kinetic data connected and also I have connected to my Rithmic data feed which is building bars in real time. But how do I build intraday bars going back say 14 days? Can I import my SierraChart data which is in .scid format? Surely I don’t have to sign up for another data feed simply to have a look at this for a few days? Thanks


                              Hello cognis0,

                              Can you please disconnect Kinetick EOD so you are only connected to Rithmic. Create a new minute based chart and check if the requested data is loaded. If the issue remains, please tell me what instrument (+ expiry month) is selected in the chart.

                              You can import historical data manually as per the link below, however we do not support files in .scid format.
                              JasonNinjaTrader Customer Service


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