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Import Failed - indicator corrupt and can't find path

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    Import Failed - indicator corrupt and can't find path

    Hi please help with this error message - I get this every time I try to import a new indicator.

    Import Failed. {indicator} is likely corrupt and can't be imported: Could not find a part of the path 'D:\Documents\NinjaTrader 7\cache'

    The funny thing is ... is that the indicator will usually be there after the "import failed" and I can go ahead and use it in spite of this error message.

    But today this is not the case. I went to import But this time there is no indicator showing up in the indicator file (unlike the many previous times I have imported indicators and got this message).

    Also there is not a path on my computer that matches the one it seems to be looking for. My cache file is actually in this path: 'D:\Documents\NinjaTrader 7\db\cache - do I need to create a path to match the one it is looking for?

    I welcome your help. Thank you.

    Hello enhancer,

    Thank you for your post.

    There should be no need to create this directory on your PC.

    If possible I would like to schedule a support call with you to investigate this matter on your PC.

    Please send the following information to support[at]ninjatrader[dot]com with 'ATTN: Patrick - 845239' in the subject line and a reference to this thread in the body of the e-mail:
    • A phone number where you can be reached
    • A time window where I can call you (please include a time zone). I am available until 5 PM EDT today and then from 8:30 AM to 5 PM EDT tomorrow.
    • Launch our remote support application from the following link, Once launched, the application will provide you with an ID# and password. I will need these from you once I have you on the phone.

    I look forward to our support call.
    Last edited by NinjaTrader_PatrickH; 05-14-2013, 02:47 PM.


      Did you find a solution to this problem?

      EDIT: A bit of constructive criticism (or perhaps a request?)... sometimes support will pull a situation offline and help the person one-on-one (which is great!). But if a solution was found, it may be useful for others if a followup post was made with the steps taken to correct the problem (for those who stumble upon the same issue much later). Thanks!
      Last edited by neoikon; 06-08-2014, 10:53 AM.


        Hello neoikon,

        Thank you for your post.

        The error is due to a missing directory. The directory being (My) Documents\NinjaTrader 7\cache, Are you missing this directory? Are you seeing the same message? Can you detail the message you receive in your response?


          Thank you for the response!

          It's actually happening on a client's machine, so I can't easily reproduce or debug it myself. However, the screenshot of the error message reads the same as the original post:

          "Import failed. 'C:\Users\<NAME>\Downloads\<ImportFile>.zip' is likely corrupt and can't be imported: Could not find a part of the path 'C:\Users\<NAME>\Documents\NinjaTrader 7\cache'.

          They are running NT v7.22. The indicator does not appear in their indicator list nor in the "remove assembly" dialog, so it is truly failing.

          I asked them to verify if the folder is there and, if not, create it. I'm waiting on a response.

          If creating the folder does not correct the problem. Are there other possible solutions?


            Hello neoikon,

            Thank you for your response.

            Yes, you can cut the Config.xml from the (My) Documents\NinjaTrader 7 folder and paste it on the desktop --> then perform a repair installation of NinjaTrader by going to the Windows Start Menu --> Control Panel --> Programs and Feature --> NinjaTrader 7 --> Repair. Then start NinjaTrader, the user will be asked for a License Key, enter the License Key and click OK. Now, close NinjaTrader and take the Config.xml you placed on the desktop and cut and paste it back into (My) Documents\NinjaTrader 7 folder, replacing the newly created config. This should correct any missing files from the installation.
            Last edited by NinjaTrader_PatrickH; 06-09-2014, 09:41 AM.


              Thanks for the instructions! Those are definitely some good steps to know (saved them).

              Unfortunately, I passed them onto my customer and he's running into another error as soon as he hits the "repair" button:

              "The feature you're trying to use is on a network resource that is unavailable. Click OK to try again, or enter an alternate path to a folder containing the installation package 'tmpDD92.tmp' in the box below."

              Then it has a box with this path: "C:\Users\<NAME>\AppData\Local\Temp\

              Perhaps saving a backup of the config.xml, uninstalling (instead of repairing), then re-installing, then putting the config.xml back is the next step?


                Hello neoikon,

                Thank you for your response.

                The user is missing necessary files for their installation (including the TEMP file and the cache folder). Please have the user run the following resource from Microsoft to uninstall NinjaTrader and then have the user re-install NinjaTrader from our website (link below). The user does not need to delete their (My) Documents\NinjaTrader 7 folder, please ensure they do not delete the folder in order to preserve their files and settings.

                Microsoft FixIt:

                Download NinjaTrader:


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