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    Chart loading

    New charts are not loading on my simulator. What could be the problem,

    Kindly assist.


    Hello Lawrence,

    Thank you for your post and welcome to the Support Forum!

    Can you please let me know which one of our data providers you are connecting to for data? You can see our list of data providers at the first toggle of this link:
    Ray S.NinjaTrader Customer Service


      hello RJ!
      I am thinking about drawing a map so great that it contains many many... bars!
      I wondered if the chart will run out of space,so please tell me how many bars are there in your chart at max.
      Yours trully.


        Hello maorachow.

        I believe there is no such limitation. If more bars are loaded than can be displayed, you will see a scroll bar at the bottom.

        What happens if you create a chart for the amount of price bars you like?
        JasonNinjaTrader Customer Service


          Chart not loading

          Hello Ray S,

          Thanks so much for your response.

          I was using Simulator Generated Data Feed.. The problem was with the Session Template and I was advised on what to do by NinjaTrader Customer Service. and I am back to business.

          Kind regards



            Thank you Jason!

            Glad to hear "Unlimitation" in bar chart.
            1)Recently,I am considering construct a kaleidoscopic Indicator which has to draw in price panel,panel1,panel2... etc.Please tell me if I wish I could.
            2)I dip into the sea of NT proprietary Indicator code,for example @SMA,I am dumfounded:
            Add(new Plot(Color.Orange, "SMA"));
            It creates a new Plot and store in a new data series.
            I judge it is so expensive to calculate a SMA when I could do arithmetics accessing to bar[recent].
            Please tell me if I call an SMA() function in my own code then I must pay the expense for convenience.
            3)I want make a global functions in UserDefinedMethods.cs,
            Please tell me if the OnBarUpdate() in UserDefinedMethods.cs will execute earlier than all indicator's OnBarUpdate().

            Yours truly.


              maorachow, you could unfortunately not draw to multiple panels from one script. You would need to assign the panel used once you run the script.

              The Add() would simply define the properties of the visualized plot, you can also simply call the SMA(DataSeries, Period) method in your own script to access the calculated value.

              Please clarify your last question : the user defined method would be called when needed in your calling script, it's much like defining a custom method outside of OnBarUpdate() in the main indicator for example.
              BertrandNinjaTrader Customer Service


                Bertrand,Thank you!
                1)The first answer is very accurate.
                2)According to your second answer,I guess:
                if I call SMA(DataSeries,Period)[0],then C# will instantiate a SMA class,then do calculation,thus it is an expensive approach.
                well,if I call SMA(DataSeries,Period),then Ninjatrader will access the lightweight function somewhere,thus it is a desirable approach.
                3)My question is three facets:
                one,If I decide to add some data structures for several instruments in UserMethods.cs,and in OnBarUpdate() of UserMethods.cs I am going to write code to
                direct the incoming data to different structures,I wonder how can I discriminate which Instrument bar is coming.What is more:is this OnBarUpdate() happen
                before the OnBarUpdate() in other indicators?I will be just waiting for using the data structures in other indicator's OnBarUpdate() and I want data
                structure updated already.
                two,Further a bit,If I want to access the complex data structures in UserMethods.cs from other indicators,how could I?Through fuctions in UserMethods.cs or
                writing functions with parameters refer to the complex data structures,these thing could be more complicated.
                three,If I do these things in strategy,these are still becoming more difficult.
                Yours truly.


                  maorachow, there would typically not be an OnBarUpdate() call / section in the UserDefinedMethods - you would define a custom method here and call upon in your other script when needed, this can then happen in the scripts own OnBarUpdate() method.

                  If you're concerned with updating custom public properties before accessing them, please check into the Update() method offered as well -

                  BertrandNinjaTrader Customer Service


                    thank you,Bertrand,
                    Update method is the key to refresh data.
                    I have decided on Strategy with the complex data structure.
                    yours truly


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