I had been successfully recording live Euronext tick data through IB for two weeks now, but recording suddenly stopped working a few days ago (coincidentally, just the day Euronext stopped the index calculation for a few hours).
Since them, I've been unable to record market data, despite the option being checked in the config, and an Analyzer window correctly showing live data for the few instruments I am tracking.
My setup is as follows:
- XP SP3, fully updated as of today
- NT 7.0.1000.6
- TWS 917
- .NET/CLR 2.0.50727.3623
- 'Record market data' checked
- Market Analyzer window opened and I can see market data being streamed
- No tick data gets recorded, and I can't see any newly recorded data in the Historical Data Manager.
- Nothing alarming in either TWS or NT logs
Tried restarting NT, TWS, the whole machine, unchecking/rechecking the config option, repairing the DB...
Since I can see live ticks in the Market Analyzer window, I guess the problem comes from the recording..
Any idea?