in NT 6 I wrote an indcator for exporting daily data generated from minute data. The 1440minute 'trick' doesn't work good enough for me (the session break is always 0:00pm - I am using GMT +1, so the real session break should be 22:30) [Tradestation cold be configured with the local timezone - so the sessionbreaks were always right]. That causes further the problem with the different dates of daylightsaving between germany and USA. That I corrected manually by setteing my indicator to an other breaktime for this days.
Now I saw, that NT7 seems to generate daily bars - but I don't know, where the data came from. The Problem is: The daily data doesn't have the same OHLCV values like the Minute-data (f.e. yesterday ES 06-11: daily high after 'reload all historical data is 1328.00 but in Minute the High was 1332.25).
shure I can export my daily data since january 2000 with my indicator again, but in that long range, I can't adjust the daylight-error. BTW NT7 has destroyed my over ten year daily data - now there are great gaps in time and price. So: where I get accurate daily data for a contiuous daily ES? How I get right daily data from NT7?
I know, that ZenFire doesn't provide daily data. So I suppose, that NT7 generates the daily data itselve from Minute data. But it doesn't generate right. Is there any way to configure that generator?
I was trying to change the session template without any other result.