Optimizing is a much different animal than with a 32 bit program and multicharts.
Generation Size is directly proportionate to the # of cores and the amount of memory that the GO will use.
If you set the Generation size to 1, it will only use one core.
As you change to 2, it will use 2 cores, 4 or more will use all cores.
Then as you increase to much larger values, watch your ram usage also increase drastically.
I mention this because coming from MC and the GRAIL, we would typically specify a gen size of around 40, generations around 50 and about 2000 iterations...the NT GO uses a type of convergence instead of max iterations although it should not affect performance of the optimizer to much once the right settings are dialed in.
I am starting this thread to see what feedback others have noticed with complex systems, the best / gen size versus # of generations and other settings to achieve good results without turning the GO into a brute force optimizer.
Hope this is clear