When I place an order via Pats, NT disconnects. Normally, Pats requires that NT be re-started to gain the connection back. Today, NT is reconnecting automatically...it says....however it is not.
Meaning, I am sitting with an open order according to NT, NT tells me I am connected to Pats, and I can not cancel the order.
I call Alaron and they confirm that there are no orders placed, cancelled or otherwise, since an order I placed an hour ago at the open.
With Alaron tech support on the line, I closed NT, opened NT, connected to Pats, placed an order and cancelled the order. Alaron confirmed the place and cancel.
So, NT is NOT re-connecting as it says it is to Pats. After the first disconnect NT was giving erroneous information as to the Pats connection being active.
The work-around solution in this case is to close NT everytime Pats disconnects and to ignore NT with respect to Pats connection status.
Restarting NT, clears the Pats connection and orders can be placed/cancelled.
This of course does not explain why Pats disconnects in the first place.