2009-11-07 03:04:40:876 ERROR: Unable to restore strategy 'NinjaTrader.Strategy.AsmStrategy' with ID '07a9e16b1bb34ba5866644c77138afd1'. Most likely this strategy no longer is supported by the custom assemblies.
2009-11-07 03:04:41:282 ERROR: Unable to restore strategy 'NinjaTrader.Strategy.AsmStrategy' with ID '5b52ef95bb8e4518befe58761b2647c6'. Most likely this strategy no longer is supported by the custom assemblies.
2009-11-07 03:04:41:657 ERROR: Unable to restore strategy 'NinjaTrader.Strategy.AsmStrategy' with ID 'daac78cb25234b2d826ca4765cf93757'. Most likely this strategy no longer is supported by the custom assemblies.
2009-11-07 03:04:41:766 ERROR: Unable to restore strategy 'NinjaTrader.Strategy.AsmStrategy' with ID 'e3c729c3207b469caed1f0a3947061bc'. Most likely this strategy no longer is supported by the custom assemblies.
2009-11-07 03:04:41:829 ERROR: Unable to restore strategy 'NinjaTrader.Strategy.AsmStrategy' with ID 'e59240d76b7448c692799956bb02fe69'. Most likely this strategy no longer is supported by the custom assemblies.
2009-11-07 03:04:42:032 ERROR: Unable to restore strategy 'NinjaTrader.Strategy.AsmStrategy' with ID 'fa074e223a734f5984654b1d515d65d1'. Most likely this strategy no longer is supported by the custom assemblies.
I did the following but witout success:
1) I cleared all my strategies living only the NT default ones
2) Cleared Sim101 and Replay accounts.
3) Reset the database