With Version 1000.9, I could run recorded data at X500 and my strategy would merrily run along the time track.
I upgraded to version .10 and .11 (both do this), and the recordings often and randomly pause at buy or sell points. The pauses can be 10 seconds, 30 seconds, all the way to over 2 minutes. There is no decernable pattern. A trade that hung on one pass might not on the next pass. It doesn't seem to care if the recording is at 500X, 300X, 100X, etc. It's more than annoying to sit through a 2 minute pause when the time is supposed to be running at 500X amd one is trying to do a lot of backtesting, which I am.
Unfortunately, I can't go back to 1000.9 as it is not available anymore.
I'm using Vista 64X on an i7 (quad core) machine. Any ideas?