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Merge contract

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    Merge contract

    Click image for larger version

Name:	GC 02-21 (Daily)  10_6_2020 - 12_4_2020.jpg
Views:	395
Size:	47.6 KB
ID:	1130564
    Hi. I have two computers. PC and laptop. Both have same preferences: Tools-Options-Data-Merge Policy-Merge back Adjusted. On laptop i have 1 day chart with 600 days on it with merging. My custom cluster chart indicator looking full of volume profiles. But on PC i have only full profiles starting from rollover date of new contract. Previous contract looks low liquid. How can i view big perspective of days with full volumes?

    Hello poomberg,

    Can you please check what setting you have selected for the instrument in question.
    • Go to Control Center-->Tools-->Instrument Manager
    • Double click the instrument in question
    • Check what setting is used for 'Merge policy'
    Could it be set to 'DoNotMerge' on the PC instead of 'UseGlobalSettings'?

    If you remove the custom indicator, do you see the same historical data in the charts or is it different?
    JasonNinjaTrader Customer Service


      I check settings in Merge Policy. At first it was UseGlobalSettings, but i switched to Merge back Adjusted.

      ​​​​​​​And after this manipulation - no result.Same picture with low liquid profiles.

      When i start with default ninja template with candles without any indicators - i see big gaps between candles.


        Hello poomberg,

        Thank you for the update.

        Are both the PC and the laptop connected to the same data provider? Please right-click in your chart and select Reload all Historical Data. Does this fill in any of the gaps between the candles?

        If that still doesn't help, please answer the following questions:
        • Who are you connected to? This is displayed in green on the lower-left corner of the Control Center window.
        • What instrument symbol (and expiry if applicable) have you selected? For example, ES 12-20, AAPL, EURUSD, etc.
        • (For a chart) what interval is selected? For example, 5 minute, 1 day, 2000 volume, 4 Renko, etc.

        Thank you for your patience. I look forward to resolving this item.

        Emily C.NinjaTrader Customer Service


          I use GC 02-21.

          Ok, tell me please how i can merge all contracts volumes on big picture daily chart in this case? What preferences i must do from new install of ninja trader?


            Hello poomberg,

            Thank you for your reply.

            What version of NinjaTrader 7 do you have installed? You may find the full version number in Control Center > Help > About (i.e. 7.0.1000.?)

            From a new install of NinjaTrader 7, please go to Control Center > Tools > Options > Data tab and check that the merge policy is set to MergeBackAdjusted. This setting is described in the "Understanding merge policies" section at the bottom of this page in our help guide

            "Selecting this option uses data from each individual expiry month across the time span of the historical data requested. Offset* values will also be used to back adjust the historical data to match the next front month."

            When you load your GC 02-21 daily chart, you may need to right-click your chart and select Reload All Historical Data. If this still does not fill in the candles, please send us a screenshot of your Data Series window so we may further investigate.

            I look forward to your response.
            Emily C.NinjaTrader Customer Service


              Done as you advised. but now for some reason the whole history is being downloaded except for the last contract (GC 12-20)
              Attached Files


                Hello poomberg,

                Thank you for the update.

                Please send your log and trace files to platformsupport[at]ninjatrader[dot]com so that I may look into what occurred.

                You can do this by going to the Control Center-> Help-> Mail to Platform Support

                Ensuring 'Log and Trace Files' is checked will include these files. This is checked by default.

                Please reference the following ticket number in the body of the email: "2860300 ATTN Emily"

                Thank you in advance; I look forward to resolving this with you.
                Emily C.NinjaTrader Customer Service


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