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New mahTrendGRaBer Version 2

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    Originally posted by aligator View Post
    New mahTrendGRaBer Version 2

    A new Version2 of A mahTrendGraber2 indicator has been posted in User Apps downloads here:

    This version added several new features as listed below and replaces all previous versions.

    NT8 Version 2.0 , April 24, 2021

    New Features:
    - Optional shading of the EMA's Region.
    - Optional removal of EMA High and Low bands.
    - Optional candle outline to show up/down candles - Although not really needed.
    - Draw Buy/Sell arrows filtered based on direction of the RMI indicator for best signals.
    - Optional Historical Buy/Sell arrows.
    - Publicly exposed Buy/Sell signals for Market Analyzer and for use in Strategies.

    Exported using: 64-bit

    Hi Aligator
    Thanks for this great indicator. I tried to address the arrows in a strategy but could not find them in Strategy Builder. Can you please elaborate how to use the arrows in strategy builder? Also, how can I change the color of the arrows. appreciate your help.


      Aligator, thank you for great work & being part of this community. Is there any reading material & examples as to how bets to use MahTrendGRaBer2


        Originally posted by FishTrade View Post
        Aligator, thank you for great work & being part of this community. Is there any reading material & examples as to how bets to use MahTrendGRaBer2
        FishTrade, Thanks!

        The simple answer is to trade the up and down arrow signals. The reality is that no indicator should be traded in isolation, it needs to be supported and confirmed by other tools or indicators as part of your trade decisions.

        Perhaps, you may want to refer to Raghee Horner's early postings regarding this indicator on youtube or Forex related social media (if you find any) to see how she suggested to trade this indicator. Please see my explanation of the indicator where the idea for this indicator came from and suggestions for further information.
        A mahTrendGRaBer V2 This is a new Revision 2 of the ‘A mahTrendGRaBer’ for NT8, originally written by aligator for NT7 and published free on Futures.IO (Later it was pirated by a 3rd party vendor and sold as part of a package) I wrote this indicator based on a chart setup idea discussed by Raghee […]



          Originally posted by al.kooh View Post

          Hi Aligator
          Thanks for this great indicator. I tried to address the arrows in a strategy but could not find them in Strategy Builder. Can you please elaborate how to use the arrows in strategy builder? Also, how can I change the color of the arrows. appreciate your help.
          Hi al.kooh,

          Sorry for the delayed response, I just came across reading your post.

          The arrow signals are already exposed as a public data series (MAnalyzer[0]) in the indicator for the indicator to be used in a strategy. In this case the logic of your strategy should include code, something like:

          if (MAnalyzer[0] = 1
          Buy (code)

          if (MAnalyzer[0] = -1
          Sell (code)

          to buy or sell something.

          Please consult the NT help and example resources on using indicator signals for a strategy.

          Last edited by aligator; 02-06-2024, 08:24 PM.


            aligator, in the past I have searched for Raghee Horner's posts regarding this. Very difficult to find any, I could not find.


              Originally posted by FishTrade View Post
              aligator, in the past I have searched for Raghee Horner's posts regarding this. Very difficult to find any, I could not find.
              This indicator is simply a 34 EMA band so you can play it as any other moving average indicator. Raghee is from the old time Forex era (12 -15) years ago that has fadded away. However, a search of Google still pops out a lot of old stuff from her.. Here is a link that I easily found which is related to my indicator. But hard to find clear guidelines from her on trading it. As you see in her video her signalls are pretty late and too many bad ones.

     bef06&ei=tvzCZdulNJqkkPIPiI-H4Ac&oq=raghee+horner+trend&gs_lp=Egxnd3Mtd2l6LXNl cnAiE3JhZ2hlZSBob3JuZXIgdHJlbmQqAggBMgUQIRigATIFEC EYoAFIp2hQjxpYjTRwAXgBkAEAmAFfoAG_A6oBATa4AQHIAQD4 AQHCAgoQABhHGNYEGLADwgINEAAYgAQYigUYQxiwA8ICDRAuGI AEGIoFGEMYsAPCAg4QABjkAhjWBBiwA9gBAcICExAuGIAEGIoF GEMYyAMYsAPYAQLCAhkQLhiABBiKBRhDGMcBGNEDGMgDGLAD2A ECwgIFEAAYgATCAgoQABiABBiKBRhDwgIGEAAYFhge4gMEGAAg QYgGAZAGEroGBggBEAEYCboGBggCEAEYCA&sclient=gws-wiz-serp#fpstate=ive&vld=cid:1b059ad3,vid:vxZlK6adXpI, st:0

              My indicator is using the RMI indicator as a filter to generate less but good signals. My take is just to trade the arrow signals and use real good money mangement practices.

              Last edited by aligator; 02-07-2024, 12:58 PM.


                I listened to her presentation. Thank You


                  is it possible to have alerts? when bars turn green or red


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                      Has anyone been able to figure out how to add an alret to the arrows?


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